Once the fate is chosen, a duel will commence. You can select the loser to be eliminated, the winner gets half of the loser's gold, loser is delayed three turns, or winner gets a sandal from the loser. Usually, the opponent selected chooses the fate of the loser/winer, but not often does the challenger get to choose.

When landing on the tile, the landing gladiator is forced into a menu, to select an opponent. When a gladiator passed over the tile, they can stop at it and participate in the events of landing, or continue forward.

The Gladiator Duel! Tile is portrayed as a red circle, with two crossed blades inside. If you land on a five or a six, you will be very successful, where you find a Fate Mask. If you are not passing through, you will be moved one tile infront of it. If you get a three or a four, you will have a successful fate and pass the tile as usual. If you land a one or a two, you will fail the fate and move back one space from the tile. If you land on the 'Fate Mask Tile', you will be shown a menu to roll a die. If you are passing over and a success is recieved, you will continue to journey the amount of tiles. When a gladiator passes onto the tile, the same event will automatically occur as landing on it. The 'Fate Mask Tile' is portrayed as a grey/black circle with a happy and sad fate mask inside. When the minigame is completed, a reward of gold will be recieved, or possibly none. When landing on the tile, the landing gladiator is forced into a minigame. When a gladiator passes over the tile, they can stop at it and participate in the events of landing, or continue forward. The Castle of Minigames Tile is portrayed as a green circle, with the picture of a castle in it.

When no cards are in play by the gladiators, by default landing on them will cause the landing gladiator to lose ten gold. The LOSE GOLD Tile is portrayed as a red, blank circle.
When no cards are in play by the gladiators, by default landing on them will cause the landing gladiator to recieve plus ten gold. The GAIN GOLD Tile is portrayed as a blue, blank circle. These dictate what events are to occur, and how the gladiators in a quest travel.
It's tough to imagine a movie like this getting made by a major Hollywood studio today, and we're all the poorer for it.Tiles are the circles on the board in 's Swords and Sandals 4. The film is as much a parody of this genre as it is a loving rendition of such tales, with author Neil Gaiman on co-screenwriter duties providing some dark humor and much-needed heart to proceedings. It's bombastic rather than ponderous and perhaps the best example of the motion-capture trend that never quite took root in Hollywood like Zemeckis hoped it would. It's kind of astounding that Zemeckis managed to make a $150 million action-packed adaptation of a poem that's too violent and gory for kids but still styled like a superhero epic. The technology is wonky, sure, but there’s still something viscerally thrilling about this take on well-worn material. While Robert Zemeckis’s experiments with motion-capture have yielded mixed results, his surprisingly nervy adaptation of Beowulf certainly deserves to be seen.